Wednesday, December 27, 2017

How To Get Traffic To Your Blog

People always talk about how many people are on the Internet and how many visitors they get and especially how much money they make.

So when someone talks about what it takes to make money blogging, the answer is traffic.

It shouldn't be that difficult to draw some of those millions of people in should it?

The reason why there aren't tons of people blogging for profit is that it is a bit more complicated to draw in that traffic than you think. The first obstacle is competition and having the basic understanding of how you can overcome this.  Depending on the topic that you choose, the competition could be fierce.

The best way to give your self a better chance at making some dough is to pick a niche audience that doesn't have too much competition. With so many topics in the world, this would seem simple also.  However, once you have a few blogs that are now generating a modest income what you need to do is set your goals a little higher and go after a more profitable niche that can potentially make you thousands of dollars each week.

What's that you say all the Guru's say it's impossible, hey silly what do you think they are going to say to keep you chasing after all the small profits while they are going after big money. That's right it is possible to achieve and with just a few tools to assist you. Yes, that right for probably less than $300 a month you could be a super affiliate marketer making $10,000 plus a month it is that easy.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Maintaining A Passive Income On Your Blog

It's fun to write a blog especially if it is creating a passive income for doing something you like. In addition to unleashing your creative demons to the world, you can even get paid to do so.

However, it is easy to get carried away and lose track of your goals and the blogs objectives and make it all about the money. It's important to remember that when you maintain quality, the money will follow.

Hence, don't lose sight of your long-term gain in trying to make a quick buck today because your income will dry up tomorrow.

Everything Is Easier If You Are Passionate About The Topic

The fun part of the blog should always remain writing the articles. The moment you start doing it only for the money, your quality will suffer, and you will end up taking a beating for it, both, regarding money as well as your readership. It is the people who come to your blog that are responsible for the reason you are making money. Hence, you must keep them hooked and come back for more.

Make Sure You Focus On The Right Traffic 

Additionally, you need to keep your affiliate networks happy too. If your blog has passive income coming in directly from the advertisers, then you need to ensure that you are getting in the right kind of audience (traffic) for their product or service which you are promoting on your blog. This doesn't mean that you bend your writing style to suit someone else, but you can try and make some amendments that will keep your advertisers happy.

This may include dropping their product names occasionally in the articles but remember to keep it original. If you spruce up your articles with lots of commercial interests, it will lose its originality and look more like something a company might write up for their advertisements.

Publish Helpful and Relevant Content Regularly

Maintain your frequency of publishing. If you go below the usual amount, your readers will sense that you have lost interest in writing for the blog. On the other hand, if you publish more than you usually do, the over-enthusiasm may be perceived as a tactic to lure in more readers. This is especially true if your articles are sub-par and not up to the standard of your previous posts.

Writing a blog is about finding your balance and sticking to it. You should stop experimenting after a while and write only articles that are interesting for you to write as well as for those who are reading it. Don't overdo anything and at the same time, stick to your basics, and you should be fine.

Finding Work As A Writer

If you find that you need more work there are plenty of websites available on the web that are specifically designed for writers. Many of these freelance writing websites allow you to either bid on projects or submit a resume for further review. The more you write, the better chance you have of getting more work. This is why an online portfolio is so significant. If you can show someone your previous work, they will be more inclined to hire you to blog for them. During slow times, keep your head up high and stay committed to the cause in front of you.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Blogging for Profit is Not for Everyone

The internet is filled with stories of people making truckloads of money blogging. Most of us have heard of a famous blogger Perez Hilton.

However, not everyone is Perez Hilton and blogging for profit is not for everyone.

Getting This Right Can Be Very Motivational


It is true that thought of making money is a very motivating force for a lot of people. To make a blog successful, you need just a bit more drive than is inspired solely by earning a profit. It helps to like to write.

The most successful bloggers have well written, entertaining and informing articles. The voice and the style and the message are not the only elements that draw people in but more importantly, keeps people coming back for more. 

Even if you have a talent for writing you are not out of the woods. The key to making money is drawing traffic. To attract traffic, you have to publish your blog with content that people are interested in. Now thankfully, this is a big world, and there are a lot of people on the net that are interested in a lot of different things. With that being said it is important to note that any topic that you choose probably has competition, as there are a lot of bloggers on the net as well. 

Pick a topic that is not only interesting but that you know something about. The net is filled with savvy characters who will smell your male bovine excrement a mile away. Even if you know a lot about your topic, you have to present your content interestingly. You also need to tell your audience something that they haven't heard before. That itself is a small feat, so you're the best chance is just to put an interesting or even entertaining spin on your topic by using video as well as content.

So you found a topic without too much competition. You figured out a way to make it exciting and entertaining…good for you!

Now whatever you do, don't stop writing and promoting. So that is the last test to know if blogging for profit is for you.

Do you have an unlimited amount of time to spend in front of your computer?

If you do have the time, do you just want to use it in front of the monitor? 

Blogging takes time, skill, knowledge, and interest. If one of those elements is missing, you can blog alright just not for a profit. Some people don't want the pressure and stress of trying to make it happen. They merely wish to express their thoughts in hopes of inspiring or motivating someone to action. If you feel like this is you then just live from your heart and blog away without any pressure. Eventually, someone may want to purchase your blog from you and for big bucks.

The best advice is to keep blogging for the right motivation. Don't let anyone or any circumstance tell you; you have to do something different. Blog for the pleasure of writing and inspiring others.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Where to Find Free Web Content

This is a post I found on another blog over at which has some useful information about getting free web content that you can use on your own website.

Finding What You Need

Many webmasters put a great deal of effort, time and energy into creating a website design that will indeed wow their visitors with dazzling graphical elements, bright colours and unique design. But, in most cases these days, site owners are discovering that people are more often drawn to their sites by the amount of free website content that is available for internet surfers and that the site design takes a back seat to relevant content.

This puts a higher burden on the webmasters nowadays. They now need to consistently offer up the free website content that will attract site visitors and encourage them to revisit the site frequently. The content also needs to be written with search engine optimisation rules in mind so the website can be found easily by surfers, by having a good ranking in the search engine listings for a given term, or keyword.

The author's resource box provides the article writer with the opportunity to promote their other work, typically on their own website, in a trade-off for giving the article directory and webmasters permission to use their writing. This is an excellent win-win situation because it provides webmasters with plenty of free website content and also gives the author some publicity and back-links to their own website at the same time.

Free Website Content Abundantly Available for Webmasters and Small Business 

Many webmasters spend a great deal of time trying to make sure that their website design stands out from the crowd and dazzles the website visitor with vibrant colours and graphic elements.

But, more and more website owners and operators are learning that it is the free website content that they make available to visitors that is even more important that the design of the site itself.
The above section in quotes is where the information has come from... Here is another resource I found:

Sunday, December 10, 2017

How Much Money Can You Make Blogging?

We have all heard the stories of people quitting their jobs to become blogging experts (fulltime bloggers).

They make as much or more money than they did at their old desk jobs and for some who have made an effort the rewards can be ten times greater than that. Well, this might be true for a small percentage of bloggers, but this is not for the majority. You need to be realistic about what it takes and how much and how you are going to profit from blogging.